Home News User manual for IOS Reservations 2.x

User manual for IOS Reservations 2.x

User manual for IOS Reservations 2.x

Complete user manual for IOS Reservations 2

You can download for free the complete user manual for the IOS Reservations online hotel booking system updated to the latest version (2.x) of the famous component. The manual is recommended to both old and new users but also to those want to see Reservations features before purchasing it.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • --- 1. Introduction
  • --- 2. License
  • --- 3. Installation
  • --- 4. Component activation
  • --- 5. Keep IOS Reservations up-to-date
  • --- 6. Technical specifications
  • Getting Started
  • --- 7. Component configuration
  • --- --- 7.1. General settings
  • --- --- 7.2. Front Page
  • --- --- 7.4. Hotels
  • --- --- 7.5. Online hotels reservations
  • --- --- 7.6. Front-end access
  • --- --- 7.7. Google map
  • --- 8. Locations
  • --- 9. Hotels
  • --- --- 9.1. Add/Edit hotels from back-end
  • --- 10. Rooms
  • --- --- 10.1. Add/Edit rooms from back-end
  • --- 11. Gallery
  • --- 12. Reservations
  • Front-end
  • --- 13. Front page
  • --- 14. Destinations
  • --- 15. Location page
  • --- 16. Hotel page
  • --- 17. Advanced search
  • Reservations
  • --- 18. Reservation form
  • --- 19. Paying via PayPal
  • --- 20. Reservation tracking
  • --- 21. Cancel reservation
  • --- 22. Manage reservations from front-end
  • Hotel management from front-end
  • --- 23. Add/Edit hotels
  • --- 24. Add/Edit rooms
  • Other features and options
  • --- 25. User commentary
  • --- 26. Other hotels in this location
  • --- 27. Help
  • --- 28. SEO PRO
  • --- 29. META tags
  • --- 30. Component's appearance and CSS
  • --- 31. Tips for best listings
  • --- 32. Free support
  • --- 33. Found a bug?
  • --- 34. Epilogue

Version: 2.0
Author: Ioannis Sannos (IOS)
Format: PDF
Language: English
Pages: 35
File-size: 2.4 MB

This guide is provided for free.

Re-publication, re-distribution, print and usage of whole or part of this book by another guide, without the written permission of the author, is prohibited.

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