Home News Summer 2013 vacations

Summer 2013 vacations

Summer 2013 vacations

We will close our office for some days in August

For some days within August we will be on vacations and therefor during these dates the support will be limited and there will be delays on answering your requests.

If it is not for an urgent situation please contact us on September 2013. The web hosting customers and only for emergency reasons may call me to my cell phone. Automatic online payments via Paypal are not affected and they will be executed normally.

Thank you.
Ioannis Sannos - Is Open Source

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Current projects

  • Open Form Manager
    A free open source component for managing forms
    September 22, 2024

Projects completed

  • e-Code module
    Display a block of code with optional highlight and copy to clipboard functionality.
    August 17, 2024
  • FAQ v2.0
    Re-design of component FAQ, compatibility with Elxis 5
    June 17, 2024
  • Open Shop 3.7
    Integration with SoftOne ERP and BoxNow
    June 08, 2024
  • Sticky notes 2.0
    Module for placing notes on Elxis administration area
    May 26, 2024
  • Watch My Site 2.0
    Module to monitor the status of the HTTP web server for up to 10 web sites
    May 23, 2024
  • IOS AERO v1.7
    Compatibility with Elxis 5.5
    April 24, 2024
  • IOS Hotels 3.4
    Compatibility with Elxis 5.5
    April 24, 2024
  • IOS Rentals v3.3
    Compatibility with Elxis 5.5 and option to submit reviews from IOS Rentals control panel.
    April 23, 2024
  • IOS Rentals v3.2
    Ratings, reviews and templating system
    February 25, 2024
  • IOS Rentals v3.1
    New version of car rental software. Vehicle price can vary depending on driver age.
    January 25, 2024
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